-->Sales !!
Current filter
wind and water restistant, stretch
140 cm
30 C, delicate cycle, wash reverse, no ironing
Design: Hamburger Liebe, all rights reserved Foto mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Hemmers Itex
144 cm, 310 g/qm
30 C, delicate cycle
wind and water resistant, light stretch, inside fleece green
ca. 145 cm
30 C, delicate cycle, wash on reverse
ca. 145 cm, 300 g/qm
Ökotex Standard 100
ca. 145 cm, 250 g/qm
ca. 140 cm
ca. 145 cm, ca- 300 g/qm
Ökotex Standard 100 A18-1208 Hohenstein
ca. 148 cm, ca. 330 g/qm